Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pizza Italiano

(Serves 4)

The title is just a decor. Pizza is originally Italian based but this one’s a masterpiece- a combined effort of many brains, all of Indian origin. Let’s keep it simple. While bringing it to life from the bits of info I dug up from the various cook books, a few changes were made to keep it plain and simple. So, believing that this recipe will help the servant-less cooks (or wannabe cooks) to make great pizzas and seize appreciation from even food-haters, I present you the hottest recipe of Pizza Italian-o!

The most important part of a pizza is the base. There are 2 options. Either, you can buy a readymade pizza base from a nearby bakery or you can make it own your own. Buying is the easiest method. But I‘d prefer making it as it is cheaper, simple and more fun.

Things you would need for the base (if you’re not buying it!):




Baking powder

An oven (preferably, with CRISP option)

How to get started:

Take 1 teaspoon yeast in a bowl and add a few tablespoons of lukewarm water, a pinch of salt and about half a teaspoon sugar to it. (The water should be about 60 degrees hot. The first time I made the base, I put in boiling water and literally burned up the poor creatures!) Leave it undisturbed for nearly half an hour. Take a little less than 250 gram flour in a bowl. Add a modest amount of water, the yeast mixture, and the rest- butter (about 3-4 teaspoons). Mix it into dough with your hands or a mixer into elastic dough. Forgetting the salt would be a disaster. The quantity of baking soda should be adjusted, say 1-2 pinches, or it would start getting the distinguishing tang. Leave it undisturbed at least for 2 hours.

Usually, the crisp plate is always pre-heated before arranging the ingredients. But for a pizza it isn’t done. Butter the crisp plate lightly. Place the dough in the crisp plate and evenly layer it across the plate. Microwave cooking always happens from outside to inside, so it is okay to leave the edges a little thicker than the middle portions. Prick all over with a fork.

Leave the set up in crisp option in your oven in full power for a suitable time (usually, its 10 minutes or more).

Your base will finally be ready.

The other most important part of the pizza is its topping. While determining the topping you should keep in mind small factors like- ingredients, arrangement, whether to add a sauce or not and if yes which? And many other basics (Although, I admit that the first time I made it I did not care much!).

Things you would need for the topping:


Cheese (loads of them)

Minced chicken (no pressure! You can elude it if you want.)



How to do:

Dice the onions, tomatoes and capsicum . Season it with salt and cook in the crisp option for nearly 7 minutes. If you are planning to make a non-veg pizza, minced chicken is a good option. Mince cooked meat using a mixer, add some masala and salt and then cook till it’s ready. Mix the already cooked vegetables and the chicken. Our topping is all set.

Take out the base. Spread the topping mixture evenly on the base and sprinkle the sauce if you have decided to add one. Add lots of grated cheese to taste. Cook in the same old crisp option for about 5 minutes more and your aromatic and appetizing, healthy and hot, luscious and lip smacking pizza is ready to serve.


You can vary the toppings, the procedure, and the ingredients while cooking.

Always remember, you are the master of your kitchen. So, never hesitate to make necessary changes in the recipe and provide your classic touch to it. And if you feel I am mistaken or that I should know something - I am always open for updates and corrections.

Happy cooking! (Reminder: My kitchen is never responsible for the burned stew in your kitchen!)